Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Weight heading south

I am pleased to see I am continuing the weight loss, no longer triple figures. Its close to 12 kg loss in just over 6 weeks..
I do miss my bread and jam, croissants, fruit and grapefruit juice though!
Lots of compliments though from staff and students.
That helps

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Delighted GP!

I saw my GP this morning and he was absolutely delighted with my weight loss. I have lost 10kg since I last visited him. Some much so he said, if I can do it so can he!
He kept on congratulating me. He was not concerned about my vitamin D deficiency and I have been treating myself this morning by working out in the sun!

He said he would stop eating bread, an addiction we clearly both share(d).
I was seeing him because of what he diagnosed as Varicose Eczema (Stasis Dermatitis).
So I guess my overweight body also provided another problem!