Friday, August 31, 2012

Day one of new diet...

Well,day one has nearly ended. I am missing my bread, but somehow managed to eat cereal,although I had it dry.

Had Ryvita as well.... it most be 40 years or more since I tried that well known brand of cardboard!!

Also had a tub of yoghurt, again another first..

Viv made me a lovely stir fry with my 4 portions of seasonal vegetables, almonds and beef.

No wine, though, but........

Thursday, August 30, 2012

and even a Mood quiz...

Ater a quick breakfast at 12 noon, it was time to jump on computer

Test , after test....

Lots of tests today, multiple blood samples for a start,
and also another bag of exhaled air to be sent off to Canberra.

Goodbye bread, Goodbye cake and its hello to yoghurt...

Update on my new CSIRO diet is that I scored the very low carbohydrate, high fat, high protein diet..

Goodbye bread and cakes and a hello to yoghurt and cereal for the first time..and no fruit!!!!!!

Recent article about the trial...

This was earlier this year. There are a lot more trial participants now...

Dexa scan

This is a full body scan done today to measure total body fat and muscle mass, and of course the results confirm standard BMI results ...

My diet has been chosen for me....

I was told today I am on the Very Low Carbohydrate,high fat, high protein diet.

Some references make interesting reading.

What does this mean?

Well no bread,nor potato,even no sweet potato, nor corn.

Only two standard drink of alcohol a week!!

I get to eat things daily that I don't have now, like yoghurt and cereal!!!!!!!.

I guess the good thing is that I am doing it for my own good health and to be around longer for the people that love me and also I am doing it to improve the knowledge about human nutrition.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One day to go before I discover which diet I have randomly been allocated to!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why the blog?

I decided to start this blog in week 0 of a 104 week journey. I have volunteered with the CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition for a 24 month diet and exercise trial hopefully you will all see less of me and I will be fitter!!

In week 0 I have been fitted with an accelerometer to measure my activity and an in-dwelling continuous glucose monitor (CGM) which is a a disposable glucose sensor placed just under the skin of my ample belly, which is worn for a few days until replacement.

“In Australia an increasing number of people are becoming overweight, which contributes to an increased risk of health problems, including type 2 diabetes that can increase the risk of a number of health complications, including cardiovascular disease. Although research indicates that weight loss by dieting and participating in regular exercise can improve health and reverse the metabolic consequences of diabetes, there is a lack of understanding of what is the optimal dietary composition to combine with exercise training in managing this condition. Consequently, there is a lack of evidence based dietary and exercise recommendations for treating this condition and which dietary composition will promote the greatest health benefits.

What is the aim of the study?

The aim of this project is to compare the effects of 2 common weight loss strategies combined with exercise on body composition, blood glucose control, markers of heart health and mood. The 2 diets we will evaluate are:

1. High carbohydrate, low fat diet

2. Very Low Carbohydrate, high fat, high protein diet

This study will provide governing health bodies, such as the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia and the Heart Foundation, the evidence needed to make dietary recommendations for weight loss to improve heart health to diabetes management.

In addition to the energy reduced weight loss diet I will be required to follow a standardized exercise program 3 days per week The program will consist of performing an aerobic and resistance based exercises and will be required to attend a centrally based gymnasium on 3 non-consecutive days per week during flexible times either in the morning, lunchtime or evening dependant on participant availability and demand for the duration of the study. The exercise sessions will be supervised by a qualified fitness instructor and each session will last approximately 60 minutes.

What does this study involve?

Volunteers who are overweight and have type 2 diabetes were invited to take part in this 2 year study

I was once a thin young man!