Friday, April 18, 2014

A new site for the CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition at SAHMRI

I attended my monthly blood tests and weigh-in and diet discussion at the new South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute

I am back.... a long story....

We headed off to Europe in December 2012 and whilst I knew I would probably abandon much of the diet whilst travelling, when i did my first weigh-in for the year,I had actually managed to lose weight whilst overseas.

I proposed to Vivienne on Christmas Eve 2012 in Paris.

However the trip had its dramas as my partner Vivienne suffered a stroke whilst we were overseas and I lost much of my enthusiasm for the gym activity as I wanted to spend my after work time with Vivienne whilst she recovered. I did return to gym after 3 months but then Vivienne suffered a recurrence of breast cancer after 14 years and had 5 courses of chemotherapy, so once again the gym was low on my life priorities.
Also I began to suffer some neck problems and these have continued with shoulder problems into 2014. I have had X-rays , CT scans and MRI's as my neurosurgeon thought I might have also suffered a stroke! (This turned out to be possibly a congenital facial nerve problem)